Qywyntyna's Yesteryears

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Inscribed bas-relief of Coventina
Image via Wikipedia

History, politics and the news and how these link with our ancestors’ lives and our own… how “current events” of past and present affect real human lives.  Qywyntyna’s Yesteryears is as much about preserving the the present for future generations as it is about preserving the past and being mindful of the records we leave behind for future generations.

For those who are wondering how to pronounce that Q word up there, it’s pronounced just as you would pronounce Coventina.  Coventina was a Celtic goddess of wells and springs in ancient Britain.  Her name is said to mean “disappearing memory” or “memory of snow” and spelling variants include Covetina, Covventina, and Cuhvetena.  Since these are easily found, I decided to invent my own unique spelling of the name and Q being my favorite letter and two V’s looking very much like a W… well, you get the picture.

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Written by qywyntyna

June 15, 2009 at 6:43 pm

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